How To Deal With Insubordination At Work?

When you pay your team to do their job, you expect them to do it. Opportunities will present themselves for the team member to go the extra mile and it would be great if they took this option as well, and were recognised and rewarded for it. This does not always happen.

Very often, employers have to deal with employees who do as little as they possibly can, for as much money as they can get. And they get away with it.

Employers may have to deal with issues like this on a regular basis from a number of different employees. They tolerate it without addressing it. They do not have to and must take action quickly.

Employers have a duty to all members of their team. They have a duty to provide them with a safe environment to work in, a pay structure commensurate with the job and value of work being done. They also have a duty to issue each team member with clear instructions on what their role is, clear guidelines as to what behaviours and attitudes fit in with the company culture and they have to have a policy of policing these on a regular basis.

This is where most employers fall down.

They are very often, too busy working in the business themselves. They do not take the time to properly lead their team. They mix up delegation of roles with abdication of responsibilities. They allow employees to get progressively worse in their team and by the time this this worsening bahaviour becomes apparent, it is an epidemic.

The toleration of poor performance is a real issues. This now appears worse in an economy with close to full employment.

A fully engaged team with make you 10X profits, they will also deliver a happier working environment and will attract in like minded people. A disengaged team will cause your best employees to leave.

Have you considered this cost in your business?

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