Employee Engagement – Some Facts And Figures

Are you addressing your employee engagement levels?

The concept is new but the issue has been around for years. Statistics from gallup would suggest that the number of people in Ireland that would classify themselves as being highly engaged stands at about 15%. This is staggeringly low. Think about the cost to your business.

It is not possible to simply go in and Highly Engage the team – You have to create the culture that allows it to happen. The Engage & Grow programs being offered by Derek O’Dwyer address this issue head on and the results have been nothing short of amazing.

Using proven strategies and tools developed over the past 15 years, we understand how to begin to create a culture where everyone can participate and everyone can win. Applying business goal based strategies while understanding individual motivations play an important role.

When the cost of disengaged employees is calculated and demonstrated in a live environment, the drive to implement long lasting change becomes clear and pressing. Training is not the answer, surveys are not the answer (they may provide some information), memos and images on the walls do not work – a program of engagement with long lasting feedback, control and measurement does work

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