The single biggest issue facing employers and managers today is dealing with team members who have become dis-engaged. This can lead to frustration, hostility, poor performance, stress and being forced from a company that may be very important to you.
Fear of litigation, lack of leadership & management skills, poor selection methods and limited accountability are often used as a the reasons why the situation has occurred.
In general, we do not work in environment where direct confrontation happens on a regular basis. We tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, we balance the bad with the good, we accept the flaws because we do not the hassle of a person leaving and having to be replaced.
However, when employers are asked the question “has you business performance ever been adversely affected by the departure of a troublesome or dis-engaged employee?” the answer is a resounding 100% “Hell – No, its a pity they did not go sooner”.
I am not advocating getting rid of disengaged employees – I am advocating addressing of the issues head on and without the fear that the employee may leave. It can start with a discussion, lead to a review, objective setting and over all improvement plan or it can start and end with a discussion.
As a leader or manager, your job is to ensure that the people on your team are engaged and productive.
Here is some of the feedback from a course that we are running at the moment… Engagement is very powerful.
“I think the course is beneficial as it makes you really reflect on the way you personally work and the way the organisation works and how this all fits together. It brings people who probably wouldn’t cross paths together which can lead to a better sense of community within the workplace.
The course, I think, is what you put in to it.I think you have to want to be engaged and be committed to the organization and be honest and true, which in turn will give you and the organisation better results. I have found it really insightful, listening to the facilitator and the others in the group has taught me lots of things and this sort of knowledge sharing doesn’t always happen but it is really useful and should happen more.
I believe if the organisation understands and allows the ripple effect to happen, then any Organisation can only benefit from having people on this course, because the positivity and commitment could flow right through and have an amazing impact.”
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