Help! I Own The Business But I’m Poor At Managing People

Recently, I met a frustrated business owner who felt that her business would be so much more successful if she was not in charge.

She cried “I could not work for me, I’m a perfectionist, I’m never happy with anyone’s Leaderless Teamwork, I’m never happy with my own work, all my team are afraid of me and I’m afraid they will leave. I know I need to change but can’t seem to let go of what I know. And our customers think we are great!

And this was part of the problem, from the outside looking in, all was rosy. The whole team did deliver an excellent service but it was out of fear rather than love. There was muted respect for the owner but more for her skill and not her personality.

This is more common that you think.

Many people who start out in business have no experience of managing people and then suddenly find themselves with 5 or 10 staff.

Many people who find that they need 5 or 10 staff, hire without any knowledge of hiring, delegate without any knowledge of delegating and then wonder why they are so busy with so little cash.

They were making more money when they were on their own!

Having a team gives you the opportunity to get leverage in your business. It allows you to grow and offer your service or product to a wider group of people. It allows you to increase sales and profits. It can allow you to have a life.

So how can you ensure that you become a good manager and leader. there are a few things that you can do, starting today.

1. Study Business – Give up the TV and Radio and become a student of what you do.
2. Study yourself and other people – the better you understand yourself, the easier it is to understand others. When you have the ability to understand, your ability to being understood grows exponentially.
3. Get out of the “busy” zone and get into the “Important” zone. The important zone includes learning, planning, managing, forecasting implementing systems & recreation.
4. Surround yourself with other people that have achieved what you are striving for. they are out there.
5. Get a coach. A coach will help you find a path and will help you on the journey.
6. Get yourself Profiled using DISC – Email me and I will introduce you to the system. Also superb if you are recruiting.

To get from frustrated business owner to successful business owner takes a few small changes that can be implemented daily. Most changes are simple but are not necessarily easy.

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