Quitting On Change Is Not An Option…

As a general rule, people do not like change. Even if the outcomes of change will mean improved job satisfaction, better quality of life and in some instances, more money.

It’s like world peace – everybody is in favour of it but very few want to start the journey to make it a reality.

Coaching is about helping people through the change process. It is about helping people to define “world peace” in their business and then identifying the steps that are needed to achieve it.

Often, the journey starts with fire fighting, addressing daily and weekly challenges and helping clients to deal with them in a different way, so that they do not repeat.

Changing your team starts with changing yourself…

The single biggest challenge that business owners have is getting the most from the team. Its also the area that they avoid the most. Its also the area that they spend the least amount of time learning about and developing. Its also the single biggest expense they have in their business each week. It’s baffling.

For many business owners, it’s like they have a really expensive audience. The business owner is flat out and the team are working away but not necessarily lightening the load for the business owner. This is not their fault – More often than not, the business owner has not take the time to explain what he expects of them and taken the time to instruct them correctly.

Helping business owners to change from being the “reactive, “busy”, “up the Walls” type of person, to the one that is leveraged, forward thinking, decisive and people orientated takes discipline. The results are that you have leveraged results. Your entire team working on a common goal. This can only be good for the business.

Further leverage can be achieved by giving them supportive feedback and recognising their efforts. Again – this is not easy to do if you have never done it before.

The best place to start is to analyse how you actually spend you time every day. Being busy or productive?

Contact me if you want to effectively measure how effective you really are….

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