When A Team Member Does Not Participate…

Have you ever hired a new team member and then found yourself regretting the decision within weeks of the new team member starting? You are not alone. So what went wrong? Was it your recruitment process? Not thorough enough, not enough people involved in the selection, not enough vetting of the candidate or simply not focusing on the important things at the interview? Or a combination of all of these things.

Or did the simply get bad since you hire the. Whatever the case, the blame lies firmly on your lap and thats a good thing, because you can control this and fix it as well. Here is what I suggest you do?

  • Slow down your recruitment and selection process and ensure that you meet the potential candidate a few times and if possible, have a few of your team meet them as well.
  • Set a few tasks and deadlines for them to complete.
  • Improve the quality of probing question that you ask and dig deep when you do – do not be afriad to challenge them on what they have written and on what they are saying to you.
  • Develop a proper induction process
    - Outline your company vision and mission – if you do not have one, develop it. - Outline your expectations for the role and be as specific as you can
    - Outline the attitudes and behaviours that you expect from your team members and go through these in detail. This is the critical part of recruitment.
    - Issue them with a proper contract of employment
    - Carry out a formal introduction and set and expectation for them in the workplace
  • Review progress on a daily and weekly basis.

    This is of course not an exhaustive list but I can assure you that if this process is followed, your recruitment of good candidates into your business will improve immediately.

    Remember, you are paying these people every week, make sure you are giving your money to people you want to give it to.
    If you would like to find out how to really improve your hiring and inductions process, call me today.

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