No Sales Process = Lost Profits
It amazes me when I go into companies that depend on sales every day, only to find out that there is no proper defined sales process. The success of the business is left entirely to each sales person who deals with customers in their own way. Don’t get me wrong – there are lots of good and even excellent sales people out there that have never even heard of a sales process – there are very few really successful companies that continue to grow without one. Here are 5 reasons why a sales process is so important:
1. It causes you to look for best practice – what works for your business and what does not work. There is no time nowadays to learn by trial and error and it really is a waste of time when we know that systems, leverage and training can speed this up.
2. It increases your conversion rate and therefore your profits. We have often found companies who have sales people in a key position, fully aware that their selling skills leave a lot to be desired, yet take no corrective action. In many cases the salesperson is well versed in the products, is pleasant to the customers but cannot get them over the line, even when they want to buy. A sales process can help here.
3. It reduces your costs – in a number of areas but it does in marketing because your marketing ROI is working better through an improved conversion rate. It reduces your recruitment costs because salespeople who are selling are happier. A sales process, well implemented will make people more successful
4. It allows consistency – customers really like consistency and they come back when they know they will get the same service. A sales process allows consistency to be measured and managed and it enables a growing company to introduce new team members easily.
5. A sales process enables more delegation and means that business owners and managers can leave certain tasks to other members of the team. Team members appreciate this responsibility and will like it even more if they have a process to follow.
The process for sales and indeed marketing is as important as the process that you have for running your accounts, manufacturing your products, managing the delivery of your service. Take the time to create, measure and manage your sales process and watch your bottom line improve.
If you need help with your sales process call me on 087 222 0720
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