I meet a lot of business owners. Many of them are from very similar businesses, operating in the same markets, in the same business environment. But their results vary wildly.
When we question the results, we get a vast array of reasons and excuses.
The business that are struggling generally focus on external factors or factors that do not involve the business owner. Things like the economy, the weather, the competition, the products, the price, the team that they have working (or not working) for them. Its is never about activity and results.
The business that are successful generally focus on understanding their business, planning for success, understanding leverage, understanding how to differentiate, understanding how to make tough decisions about team, about customers and about products.
They understand and act on what is good for the business in the short medium and long term, they have a plan and they stick to the plan. They understand about ownership and accountability and most importantly, they understand about leverage and leadership. They also take massive action.
So if this is so obvious, why does everyone not do the same?
Is it because we are conditioned for instant gratification, for immediate results. Do we not understand about growing a business, how it needs structure and a plan. Do we not understand about how to hire and manage the best people.
Being in business is a long term play, it is very difficult to work a long term play when everything you do is based on immediacy and short term results. It is very difficult to build a long term business when there is no foundation in place. It is even harder to sell a business that has survived for a long time with no structure – it has no value.
Business Success starts in your mind, it needs to be developed and it needs time to develop. Are you working on this?
As a business coach, I work with client who want to build their business properly.
If you have a business that works, but only with enormous effort from you, we probably need to talk.
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