In a recent discussion between 12 business owners, we were all asked to produce our marketing plans for the year. We were required to outline what marketing strategies we would be using, what type of client we would focus on, why we would focus on them, and how we would convert them to customers.
We were also asked to outline our strategies for client retention – how would we add so marketing planmuch value to these clients that they would be with us for a long time.
Most of us produced our marketing plans and we were all quite please with our efforts.
We presented them with confidence and aplomb
And then we were summarily dis-assembled by our group leader.
We had failed in our mission.
Our plans – in the main no more than 3-4 pages of lists were shown to be inadequate, could not hold up to scrutiny and just did not contain sufficient detail for another person to follow, let alone complete on our behalf.
One of our group had won the day – he submitted his draft plan – It was 60 pages long. It was comprehensive. It contained a “how to” approach and it could easily be embraced and implemented by a fellow team member.
We all learnt the hard way about how to produce a proper marketing plan. We all understand why it is necessary.
Your marketing plan needs to be comprehensive – it needs to reflect your business and it needs to be able to be implemented by another person on your behalf.
How much time could you dedicate to your marketing in the next week or month? How much time do you need to invest? Are you generating the income you need from your business.
Contact us today to start the process.
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